Sand Pit Chiropractic & Physical Therapy
At Sand Pit Chiropractic Center, LLC, we offer a variety of services to care for your body.
Back Pain
Chronic back pain is one of the biggest problems Americans face today and affects eight out of ten people at some point in their lives.
When most people get a pounding headache, they continue on with their day, lie down, or pop a pill and hope for the best. There is a better way!
Sciatica is a symptom that affects the sciatic nerves that run through a person's legs. This often causes pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness in the legs.
Shoulder/Neck Pain
Shoulder/neck pain is very common and affects almost half of the U.S. population at some point in their lives.
Dry Needling
Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the philosophy that the universe and the body are opposing forces.
Physical Therapy
It is important to understand that often times where the pain presents is not the area that needs to be treated.
Welcome To Sand Pit Chiropractic Center, LLC
Sand Pit Chiropractic Center, LLC is a skilled and knowledgeable chiropractic office ready to help you achieve a pain-free, healthy lifestyle. Our highly trained staff works closely with our doctors to provide you with a professional and friendly experience. At Sand Pit Chiropractic Center, LLC, we view our patients as part of our family. We are happy you have chosen us and look forward to meeting you!
Specializing in soft tissue treatment, SPCC reigns as one of the most sought after facilities to which patients come when in need of deep affective muscular therapy. Such techniques used by Dr. Kisker, restore spinal motion and facilitate the bodies innate ability to heal itself.
For more information about our office, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (203) 791-9111!
Meet our Team
Our team of dedicated health professionals are here to serve you. We combine extensive knowledge in the field of chiropractic medicine with a passion for helping people feel better. It is our goal to create a friendly and professional atmosphere that you can rely on for all of your chiropractic needs.